Interview with Vegan Chef Lucy Cheyney
How does Notting Hill compare to Barcelona?
They are worlds apart from each other. I love the slower pace of life here and naturally the sunshine. For me though, just having the beach is so wonderful, especially early in the morning before the city wakes up. I do miss the parks of London though and all my friends and family.
What foodie products can you find in Barcelona which are more difficult to come by in London?
I am utterly obsessed with the Padron Peppers; they really are the perfect snack. Yet I believe the sunshine adds to the whole experience. Quite simply though I am falling in love with food again here. It is all so tempting and the culture that surrounds food is wonderful.
Has the type of dishes you offer here changed as a result?
Living here is certainly making me more experimental and curious to try new combinations. Thankfully the people of Barcelona seem to like a flavour that packs a punch, and that’s what I adore too. So I feel I have a lot more freedom. Healthy food in London is becoming slightly stagnant, and there are far too many rules on what should and shouldn’t be in a salad or cake.
How would you describe the food you offer?
Our food will be vibrant, seasonal and above all deliciously healthy. I want to redefine salads in this city. We will not be using any refined sugars and will have a large selection of gluten-free, vegan, raw, dairy-free, organic and vegetarian options.
Why did you decide to open The Deli Kitchen in the Gothic Quarter?
We happened to come across the space at the right time, and having a rental business already located in the area, we wanted to create something within the vicinity. I also believe the area is craving a healthy option, with not only a large tourist market, but a solid local population too. We want to appeal to both.
Who do you think your food will appeal to?
There is naturally a certain demographic that is attracted to healthier food, but I am hoping to appeal to locals in the neighbourhood too, who previously would not have been interested in gluten-free or dairy-free items. We have no intention to shout it from the rooftops, but rather simply attract customers with the quality and taste of our food. The fact it is healthy will be the added bonus.
Can you give us some examples of some of the dishes you will have on offer?
Rapidly becoming our signature cake is the Summer Berry & Raw Cacao Mousse Cake – raw, vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar-free, it is seriously indulgent. Followed by the Salted Chocolate & Toasted Walnut Fudge Brownies. My favourite salad I have tested lately is the Summer Tomato, Toasted Almond & Glazed Pomegranate Dressing Salad. Really refreshing and colourful, as well as the Ginger & Soy Glazed Bok Choy with Garlic Marinated Cherry Tomatoes – again very vibrant and juicy.
When will you open?
We are aiming for October, fingers crossed.
Describe Barcelona in 3 words
Delicious. Welcoming. Charming.
Coming soon